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How to use time control in idChess?

In this article, we will tell you how to add time per move indicator to your tournament broadcast on the idChess platform and what this indicator means.

How to use time control in idChess?

Time control is available from version 4.3.0 of the app. Net time per move is an indicator that reflects the real time during which a move is made on the board, that is when the hand is taken off a piece. This approximately coincides with the indicators on the digital game clock.

The boards now have additional fields with time indications. The net time indicator changes according to the moves in the game.

How to display time in your broadcast?
• Enable time сontrol when creating a tournament. In the “Time per side” field, enter the number of minutes for the game. For example: 120.
• In the “Adding time per move” field enter the seconds that are added for each move. For example: 30.
• If the game has a complex time control, which changes after a certain move, then in the “Number of moves” field you need to note the move’s number and fill in additional conditions for adding time.
• The starting point for time on each board is considered to be the first move on it. If the first move is made by mistake or before the round starts, go to this game in the administrative panel and delete the move. The organizer also can choose the beginning of the round manually (Button “Set up round time” on the tournament bracket screen).
How to stop time countdown when finishing a game without a checkmate by mutual agreement of the players?
• Set the game result, and then the time of the last move will stop the clock.

Do you have more questions? We recommend watching this video on the idChess YouTube channel.